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Nii Noi Dennis Receives Triple Nominations at Praise Achievement Awards!

Nii Noi Dennis, a distinguished radio and television presenter in the Christian media realm, has garnered three notable nominations at the upcoming Praise Achievement Awards.

The prestigious awards ceremony, now in its 2nd edition, recognizes outstanding individuals and programs in the Christian television and radio landscape, honoring their contributions to faith-based broadcasting.

Christian Television Presenter of the Year Nomination

Nii Noi Dennis, known for his remarkable presence on ATV, has been nominated for the esteemed “Christian Television Presenter of the Year” award.

This nomination acknowledges his unwavering commitment to delivering engaging and spiritually enriching content to viewers, making a profound impact in the Christian television sphere.

Christian Television Program of the Year Nomination

In addition to his individual nomination, Nii Noi Dennis is also part of the nominated team for the “Christian Television Program of the Year” award for their exceptional work on Christian Entertainment Review show aired on ATV every Saturday, 5pm.

This recognition underlines the collective effort and dedication put into creating a program that resonates with the audience, offering spiritually edifying entertainment, insights and guidance.

Christian Radio Presenter of the Year Nomination

Further reinforcing his multifaceted talents, Nii Noi Dennis has been nominated for the “Christian Radio Presenter of the Year” award for his work on Sunny FM.

This acknowledgment showcases his versatility and proficiency in connecting with radio listeners, spreading the gospel, and uplifting spirits through the airwaves.

The Praise Achievement Awards, a platform that celebrates excellence in the Christian media industry, has recognized Nii Noi Dennis’ significant contributions.

His nominations affirm not only his individual prowess but also the impact of collaborative efforts in creating compelling Christian television and radio programs.

The awards ceremony is set to take place on a date that promises to be an evening filled with excitement, camaraderie, and appreciation for the remarkable talent that defines Christian media in Ghana.

We congratulate Nii Noi Dennis on his well-deserved nominations and wish him the very best in the upcoming Praise Achievement Awards.

For more information about the Praise Achievement Awards and to cast your vote for Nii Noi Dennis, please visit: Praise Achievement Awards Voting.

Stay updated with the latest news on the awards by following: @praiseachievementawards.

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Emmanuel Ghansah, Ghana Music

Singer, Songwriter, scriptwriter, blogger, lover of the creative arts, brands and communications expert.

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